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Elevate Performance

Transformative Coaching, 
Strategic Consulting 

​We support your quest for growth and transformation.

At Centro Forza Group, we provide coaching and leadership consulting services for individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations to create high-performing, human-centric, and inclusive work environments.

Piazza San Marco Venice

The word "Centro" in Italian has multiple meanings such as "Center," "Heart Of," or "Core" when referring to core values. Similarly, "Forza" means force or power, but it can also be used to encourage someone to face life's challenges with strength and determination, similar to saying "you can do it!" in Italian.


Centro Forza Group is the ultimate destination for personal and professional growth. Our team of experts has helped countless individuals and teams navigate challenges with strength, clarity and resiliency.  With our personalized approach and effective tools, you can unlock your full potential and create an empowered and fulfilling future.


We inspire organizations and the people within them to become their best selves, translating their passion and purpose to accelerated transformations and meaningful outcomes.  


Centro Forza Group designs dynamic workshops and seminars, assessments and evaluations, and performance improvement strategies to maximize impact.  We use technical expertise and facilitation skills to build pathways for people and organizations to excel.

Professional Building
Go Team
Board Room Meeting
Anchor 1


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